MBA Specializations in Pune University (2019 Pattern)

Recently Pune University, changed their MBA syllabus.

MBA Specialization in Pune university 2019 pattern

Specializations offered:
The following specializations shall be offered as MAJOR / MINOR:

1. Marketing Management (MKT)
2. Financial Management (FIN)
3. Human Resources Management (HRM)
4. Operations & Supply Chain Management (OSCM)
5. Business Analytics (BA)

The following specializations shall be offered ONLY as MINOR Specializations:

1. Rural & Agribusiness Management (RABM)
2. Pharma & Healthcare Management (PHM)
3. Tourism & Hospitality Management (THM)

1. Institutes may offer ONLY SELECT specializations based on industry needs, faculty strength & competencies,
student demands, employability potential, etc.
2. Institutes MAY NOT offer a specialization if a minimum of 20% of students are not registered for that
3. The Institute MAY NOT offer an elective course if a minimum of 20% of students are not registered for that
elective course.

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MBA Specializations in Pune University (2016 Pattern)

Pune University, India providing 18 specializations in MBA (2016 pattern), in which any student can choose one specialization according to their choice in there MBA academic year. A student can choose their specialization in the second year because the first year has common subjects for all students.

Savitribai Phule Pune University time to time review their MBA course program and make changes. They also add new specialization according to change in the industry, as per need. Pune University and their affiliated colleges provide following specialization.

mba specialization in pune university

Following Specializations shall be offered:
1. Marketing Management (MKT)
2. Financial Management (FIN)
3. Information Technology Management (IT)
4. Operations Management (OPE)
5. Human Resources Management (HR)
6. International Business Management (IB)
7. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
8. Rural &Agribusiness Management (RABM)
9. Family Business Management (FBM)
10. Technology Management (TM)
11. Banking and Insurance Management (BIM)
12. Healthcare Management (HM)
13. Entrepreneurship Development (ED)
14. Services Management (SM)
15. Retail Management (RM)
16. Digital Media & Communication Marketing (MC)
17. Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)
18. Defense Management (DM)

For More Information about specialization download complete MBA syllabus of Pune University in which Pune University provide detail information. Click Here